
x86 assembly code basics for reverse engineers

Learn the basics of x86 assembly code for use in dissemblers like Ghidra, IDA, and Binary Ninja, and debuggers like x64dbg.

x86 assembly code basics for reverse engineers

Assembly language is the lowest-level set of instructions for a CPU. You need to know the basics of assembly to use dissemblers like Ghidra, IDA, and Binary Ninja, and debuggers like x64dbg. x86 is the CPU architecture that most Windows systems use. Although the ARM CPU architecture is making some gains in marketshare, Windows on ARM an emulate x86 applications, and 64 bit CPUs can run 32 bit applications. Malware authors are likely to continue to target 32 bit x86 CPUs for some time for maximum compatibility, so this guide will focus on 32 bit x86 assembly.


Registers are super-fast temporary memory on a CPU. On x86 CPUs the registers store 32 bits each. The general purpose registers EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX can each be divided into 16 or 8 bits as shown in the diagram below.

A diagram of x86 registers by David Evans at the University of Virginia Diagram by David Evans at the University of Virginia

Some registers are used for specific tasks.

EAXUsed for addition, multiplication, and return value
EBPBase pointer. Often used to reference arguments passed into a function, as well as the local variables within a function.
ECXUsed as a counter
ESPPoints to the last item on the stack - the stack pointer
ESI/EDIUsed by memory transfer instructions
EIPPoints to the next instruction to execute

Condition Codes (CC)

Condition code registers are used to flag when conditions are met.

CFCarry flag
ZFZero Flag
SFSign Flag
OFOverflow flag

The stack

The stack is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure that is stored in system memory (i.e., RAM). Like a stack of plates, the last item pushed onto the stack will be the first item popped off of the stack.

A representation of the stack with push and pop operations

32 bit applications use the stack to store the values of local variables and function arguments. The first parameter will be the bottom PUSH instruction, and the last argument will be the top PUSH instruction. Each item on the stack has 4 bytes. Addressing on the stack goes from larger to smaller values as more items are added to the stack, which might seem counterintuitive.

The ESP register points to the address of the next item on the stack. Its value is automatically updated as the stack changes.

The EBP register stores the base pointer (also known as the frame pointer), which is an unchanging value that is as a reference point for accessing items on the stack. For example:

Parameter: EBP + value
Local variables: EBP - value

Assembly notation

Ghidra and other tools use the Intel notation for assembly code, which follows this format when moving data in and out of registers.


Comments start with ;.

In Ghidra, parameters that reference memory locations instead of a direct value are enclosed in square brackets. For example:

MOV EAX, [0x410230]
[EAX]Access dynamically allocated memory (base)
[EBP + 0x10]Access data on the stack (base + displacement)
[EAX + EBX * 8]Access an array with 8-byte structures (base + index * scale)
[EAX + EBX + 0xC]Access a two-dimensional array of structures (base + index + displacement)

Common patterns

Setting a register to 0

Compilers will XOR a register by itself as the most efficient way of setting that register to 0.


Testing if a register is set to 0

TEST EAX, EAX ; Implied AND, but does NOT modify the destination register

Testing if a register is set to a value

CMP ECX, 8 ; Implied SUB, but does NOT modify the destination register

Stack cleanup


Unconditional jumps

JMPJump directly to a memory address
CALLCall a function
RETReturn a value to the calling function

Conditional jumps

jcc format

aAbove (unsigned)
bBelow (unsigned)
nNot equal
gGreater (signed)
lLess (signed)

Conditional jump examples

jzjump if zero
jnzJump if not 0
jajump above
jngejump if not greater than or equal to

loopcc format

Follows the same notation as jcc

Loop example

A loop that adds 1 to the control variable while it is less than 5.

  mov eax, 0 ; Initialize the control variable

  cmp eax, 5 ; Compare the current state of the control variable with the end condition
  jnl End ; jnl ; jump if not less. je (jump if equal) would also work here

  ; Actions inside the loop go here
  add eax, 1 ; Increment the control variable
  jmp CheckIfStop

  ; Code that continues here after the loop

Code branching

To convert if/else and case statements from C/C++ to assembly, compilers will use conditional jumps. For example, when evaluating an OR condition, both conditional jumps will point to the same function. When evaluating an AND condition, the first conditional jump will jump to code to evaluate the second condition, which will then execute the code if the second condition passes.

Error handling

Often, Windows API calls return 0 (also called FALSE or NULL) in the event of a failure, but not always. When examining functions that make Windows API calls, it is important to look up that API call in Microsoft’s documentation (simply by Googling for the function name), to see what the possible return values are and their meanings.

A common pattern is for any Windows executable is to call the API function, then use the JNZ operation to jump to another function if the API call returned 0. After the JNZ operation, there is usually a call to GetLastError that is used if the jump did not take place (because API call did not return 0), in order to get the error code for the current thread. The Jump Zero (JZ) operation is used as the reverse of JNZ.

Calling conventions

The cdecl and stdcall calling conventions have a few things in common:

  • Arguments are added to the stack from right to left
  • The return value is stored in EAX


  • Most common
  • The caller cleans up the stack by removing the arguments


  • Used in the WIN32 APIs
  • The callee cleans up the stack by removing the arguments


  • Arguments are stored in registers
  • Both Microsoft and GNU compilers use ECX and EDX
  • Additional arguments are stored on the stack
  • The callee cleans up the stack by removing the arguments


  • Used in C++ object member functions
  • this is stored as a pointer
  • Microsoft compilers store the this pointer in ECX, and the callee cleans up the stack
  • GNU compilers store the this pointer as the last (i.e., top) item pushed to the stack

64 bit assembly

64 bit expanded general purpose registers

32 bit register64 bit registerPurpose
EAXRAXUsed for addition, multiplication, and return value
ECXRCXUsed as a counter
ESPRSPPoints to the last item on the stack
ESI/EDIRSI/RDIUsed by memory transfer instructions

RSP is often used to access parameters instead of RBP.

New 64 bit general purpose registers

R8 through R15

These can be accessed as smaller registers by appending a character to the end of a register, such as R9:

  • R9D: Lower 32 bits (Double word - DWORD)
  • R9W: Lower 16 bits (WORD)
  • R9B: Lower 8 bits (byte)

64 bit calling convention

Because of the expanded and additional registers, compilers will pass parameters via registers, instead of via the stack.

  1. RCX
  2. RDX
  3. R8
  4. R9

Any additional arguments are placed onto the stack.

Ghidra is unable to propagate external parameters in 64 bit PE files, so it cannot annotate parameter data types for you.

64 bit addressing

RIP + Displacement

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